fbpx UK Studies - University of Liverpool IC 利物浦大學 (Foundation) | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心 | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心
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UK Studies – University of Liverpool IC 利物浦大學 (Foundation)


University of Liverpool (利物浦大學)位於英格蘭西部的Liverpool市,是英國最古老的6所「紅磚大學」之一,亦是羅素大學集團的始創成員之一,在The Complete University Guide 2017中全英排名第38。University of Liverpool在多個學科都十分優異,當中建造(Building)、職業治療(Occupational Therapy)、物理治療(Physiotherapy)及獸醫醫藥(Veterinary Medicine) 都在全英排名首10名(The Complete University Guide 2017)。

開學日期 9月、1 月
海外學生英語要求 IELTS 5.0 – 5.5
  • 課程類別
  • Business, Law and Social Sciences
  • Science and Engineering


Accounting and Finance, Actuarial Maths, Aerospace Engineering (with Pilot Studies), Ancient History, Anatomy and Human Biology, Archaeology, Artificial Intelligence, Astrophysics, Avionic Systems, Biochemistry, Biological and Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Bioveterinary Science, Business Economics, Business Management, Business Studies, Chemistry, Chemistry with Nanotechnology/Pharmacy/Research in Industry, Civil Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineering, Classical Languages, Classics, Classical Studies, Communication and Media, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Computing, Criminology, Economics, Ecology and Environment, eFinance, Egyptology, Electronic Commerce Computing, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Environment and Planning, Environmental Sciences, Evolutionary Anthropology, Financial Computing, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Geophysics, Internet Computing, International Business, International Politics and Policy, Internet Computing, Law, Marketing, Marine Biology (with Oceanography), Mathematical Physics, Mathematics, Mathematics with Ocean and Climate Studies, Medicinal Chemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Music, Music and Technology, Ocean Sciences, Pharmacology, Philosophy, Physics, Physics for New Technology, Physics with Astronomy/Medical Applications/Nuclear Science, Physiology, Physiotherapy, Politics, Popular Music, Psychology, Social Policy, Sociology, Software Development, Theoretical Physics, Town and Regional Planning, Tropical Disease Biology, Urban Regeneration and Planning, Zoology

因位置有限並未能將全部可銜接學科列出,詳情請致電2264 8990向本中心之專業海外升學顧問查詢

UK foundation  / UK studies / 2018-07-22

