City University London (倫敦城市大學) 是一所歷史悠久而國際化的大學,在The Guardian University Guide 2017中排名全英18,而在The Times and Sunday Times University League Table 2016中,City University的教育質素在倫敦的大學中排名第1。INTO City University London的學生可以享用倫敦城市大學的設施,包括大學圖書館、體育中心及學生會。大學亦會為學生提供就業協助,如舉行工作坊教導學生面試技巧及邀請舊生回校給予學生建議,而倫敦城市大學的學生畢業後的就業率相當高,薪酬水平更是在全英國排名第十。
開學日期 | 9月、1月、3月、7月 |
海外學生英語要求 | IELTS 5.0 – 6.0 |
Accounting and Finance, Actuarial Science, Aeronautical Engineering, Air Transport Engineering, Automotive & Motorsport Engineering, Banking and International Finance, Biomedical Engineering, Business Computer Systems, Business Studies, Civil Engineering with Architecture, Civil Engineering with Surveying, Civil Engineering, Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science with Games Technology, Computer Science, Computer Systems Engineering, Criminology and Sociology, Criminology, Cultural and Creative Industries, Economics and Accountancy, Economics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Energy Engineering, Engineering with Management and Entrepreneurship, Financial Economics, Information Systems, International Political Economy, International Politics and Sociology, International Politics, Investment and Financial Risk Management, Journalism, Law, Management, Mathematical Science with Computer Science, Mathematical Science with Finance and Economics, Mathematical Science with Statistics, Mathematical Science, Mathematics and Finance, Mechanical Engineering, Media Studies and Sociology, Psychology, Sociology with Psychology, Sociology, Software Engineering, Speech and Language Science, Systems and Control Engineering, Telecommunications