fbpx [英國大學] University of Exeter - Sport & Health Sciences Seminar 體育及健康科學簡介會 | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心 | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心
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[英國大學] University of Exeter – Sport & Health Sciences Seminar 體育及健康科學簡介會


University of Exeter - Sport & Health Sciences 體育與健康科學

l   13th in the world for Sports-related Subjects   

l   QS World University Rankings 2018

l   1st for Sports Science in The Complete University Guide 2019

l   88% of our Sport and Health Sciences students go into graduate employment or further study within six months of graduating

l   3rd in the Russell Group in the National Student Survey 2018

l   3rd in the UK for research

l   Research-inspired teaching with academic collaborations with industry and professional athletes

l   Dedicated laboratories for sport and exercise physiology, sports biomechanics and health and performance psychology

l   One of the UK’s top sporting universities, named The Times and The Sunday Times Sports University of the Year for 2015/2016

l   Generous sports scholarship scheme

  • 體育相關類科目世界排名第13位
  • 2019年的“The Complete University Guide”(完全大學指南)中運動科學類學科排名全英第一
  • 88%的體育與健康科學學生在畢業後六個月內就業或繼續深造
  • 獲得2016/17的 Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE)(高等教育畢業生去向)
  • 2018 全國學生調查中羅素大學集團的第3位
  • 英國學術研究第3位
  • 研究啟發式教學,配以行業知識及專業運動員等的學術結合
  • 配有專業實驗室予運動及運動生理學,運動生物力學以及健康和表現心理學等學科作研究
  • 英國頂級體育大學之一,為The Times和The Sunday Times 2015/2016年度的體育大學
  • 豐厚體育獎學金計劃

Degree in Exeter 學科列表

  •  BSc Exercise and Sport Sciences
  •  MSci Exercise and Sport Sciences
  •  BSc Human Biosciences
  •  BSc Psychology with Sport and Exercise Science
  •  BSc Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences
  •  BSc Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences with Professional Training Year
  •  Flexible Combined Honours

Seminar Date & Time 講座日期及時間

Date 日期

27.09.2018 (Thursday 星期四)

Time 時間

6pm – 7.30pm

Speaker 主講者:

Dr Dominic Farris
Sport Science, University of Exeter

面試日及升學活動  / 2018-09-13

預先登記 Registration Form

預先登記已結束。如有查詢,請電郵到 [email protected]

Registration is closed for this event. For more information or questions, please email to [email protected].

