Durham University (杜倫大學)是一所共有16個學院的學院制英國頂尖大學,亦是Russell Group(羅素大學集團)的成員。杜倫大學歷史悠久,是僅次於牛津大學及劍橋大學的英格蘭第三古老的大學,以市內聞名的城堡作為校舍,十分古色古香。大學所在的Durham位於英格蘭的東北部,鄰近Newcastle及Sunderland,距離倫敦約3小時火車車程。區內山巒起伏,郁郁蔥蔥,加上環繞兩條河流,使Durham成為一個充滿古典氣息、風光如畫的市鎮,城內有不少法定古蹟,市中心更被被劃為保育區。
Durham University
開學日期 | 9月、1月 |
海外學生英語要求 | IELTS 5.0 |
Accounting and Finance; Accounting and Management; Anthropology; Archaeology; Biological Sciences; Business and Management; Chemistry; Chinese Studies; Classics; Combined Honours in Social Sciences; Computer Science and Mathematics; Computer Science; Criminology; Economics; Education Studies; English Literature; Finance; General Engineering; Geography; Geology; Health and Human Sciences; History; International Relations; Japanese Studies; Law; Liberal Arts; Marketing and Management; Mathematics; Music; Philosophy, Politics and Economics; Philosophy; Physics; Politics; Psychology; Sociology; Sport, Exercise and Physical Education; Theology and Religion
Law, Finance, Psychology, Economics, Business, Computer Science
Durham University ISC
Durham Cathedral
Durham City