Glasgow Caledonian University(格拉斯哥加里東大學),按學生人數是蘇格蘭最大的學校之一,擁有17,000個來自100個不同國家的學生,是一所位於Glasgow市中心較為現代化的大學。Glasgow Caledonian University在專職醫療人員方面的研究十分頂尖,在2008 Research Assessment Exercise中排名在頭10位之內,而在建造工程及環境學科方面亦是蘇格蘭最頂尖的大學。Glasgow Caledonian University很多學科都與企業有聯繫,能提供實習機會,其畢業生的就業能力在2013年排名第11。
開學日期 | 9月、1月、3月、6月 |
海外學生英語要求 | IELTS 4.5 – 5.5 |
3D Computer Animation; Audio Technology (with Electronics; or Multimedia); Building Services Engineering; Building Surveying; Business (with Economics; Enterprise; Event Management; Financial Management; Financial Services; Human Resource Management; Marketing; Management; Operations Management; Risk Management; Sport Management; Technology Management; or Tourism); Computer and Electronic Systems Engineering (specialist options: Digital systems; communications; robotics and mechatronics); Computer and Electronic Systems Engineering (specialist options: software development; business management); Computer Games (Art and Animation; Design; or Software development); Computer-Aided Mechanical Engineering; Construction Management; Cyber Security and Networks; Digital Security; Electrical Power Engineering; Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering; Environmental Civil Engineering; Environmental Management; Fire Risk Engineering; Forensics and Ethical Hacking; Graphic Design for Digital Media; International Business, International Fashion Branding; International Marketing; International Risk Management; IT Management for Business; Mechanical and Poser Plant Systems; Mechanical Electronic Systems Engineering; Networked Systems Engineering; Property Management and Valuation; Quality Surveying; Software Development for Business
1. | 順利完成課程而成績又達到大學要求的學生可銜接格拉斯哥加里東大學的三年級 (*蘇格蘭的大學為4年制)。 |
2. | INTO GCU的教學大樓位於市中心,同時INTO GCU亦是IELTS的考試場地之一,為想考取IELTS的學生提供彈性的考試時間。 |
3. | Glasgow Caledonian University除了注重學生在學術上的發展,亦注重學生畢業後的競爭力,因此學校為學生提供了一系列的指導及支援,包括就業建議、義工機會、實習機會、就業展覽等等,95%學生在畢業後6個月入獲聘用。 |
4. | INTO GCU為學生提供安全舒適的宿舍,而且鄰近校園,學生上課十分方便,宿舍內的設備亦一應俱全。 |