fbpx UK Studies - Swansea University IC (ICWS) 史雲斯大學 (International Year 1) | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心 | 海外升學專家 - HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心
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UK Studies – Swansea University IC (ICWS) 史雲斯大學 (International Year 1)


Swansea University(史雲斯大學) 位於英國首5名學生最安全城市Swansea (Complete University Guide 2015),由Singleton Park及Bay兩個校園組成,是威爾斯第三大的學府。Swansea University的優秀科目包括社工、社會政策、醫學、醫療科技、材料科技等等,Swansea University更曾獲得2014年度最佳大學 (Whatuni Student Choice Awards)。

開學日期 9月、11月、1月
海外學生英語要求 IELTS 4.5 – 6.0
  • 課程類別
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Business and Economics
  • Computer Science
  • Criminology
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Media and Communication
  • Medical Genetics and Biochemistry
  • Medical and Social Sciences
  • Politics and International Relations
  • Psychology
  • Sciene
  • Sports Science
  • TESOL and Translation


Accounting; Accounting and Finance; Aerospace Engineering; American Studies; Applied Mathematics; Biochemistry; Biological Science; Biology; Business Management; Business Management (Business Analytics); Business Management (e-Business); Business Management (Entrepreneurship); Business Management (Finance); Business Management (Human Resource Management); Business Management (Management Consulting); Business Management (Marketing); Business Management (Operations and Supply Management); Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Science; Criminology and Criminal Justice; Criminology and Psychology; Criminology and Social Policy; Economics; Economics and Business; Economics and Finance; Electronic and Electrical Engineering; English to Chinese Translation and Interpreting; Environmental Engineering; Finance; French and Media; Genetics and Biochemistry; Genetics; Geography; Geography and Geo-informatics; German and Media; Health and Social Care; Human Geography; International Relations; International Relations and American Studies; International Relations and Modern History; Law; Law and American Studies; Law and Criminology; Law (Crime and Criminal Justice); Law and History; Law and Media; Law and Politics; Marine Biology; Materials Science and Engineering; Mathematics for Finance; Mathematics; Mechanical Engineering; Media and Communication; Media and Spanish; Medical Biochemistry; Medical Engineering; Medical Genetics; Medical Sciences and Humanities; Physical Earth Science; Physical Geography; Political Communication; Political Communications; Politics; Politics and American Studies; Politics and Ancient History; Politics and English; Politics and History; Politics and Social Policy; Psychology; Pure Mathematics; Social Policy; Software Engineering; Sports Materials; Sports Science; TESOL and English Language; War and Society; Zoology

1. 大學會為學生提供多種實習機會,合作伙伴包括BP、Shell、Rolls-Royce、PwC、Nike、Airbus、Ericsson、IBM、Érnst & Young等跨國公司。
2. Swansea University的畢業生就業率在全英首20名。
3. 大學的銜接學位選擇眾多,使想入讀Swansea University的學生免受學科的限制。
4. 學校斥資£4.5億擴建校園,為學生製造更完善的學習環境。

UK Diploma / UK International Year 1  / 2018-07-20

